Annett Kaeding Speaker Profile

Are you looking for a fascinating presentation for your lecture theatre, event or annual convention? Then with Dr Annett Kaeding-Koppers you have a renowned expert, who not only says what she thinks, but also knows what she is talking about.
And that makes all the difference. A scientific background combined with many years of experience in the industry. Project experience in Germany, Europe and further afield, which Dr Kaeding-Koppers uses today to present attractive, understandable and at the same time exciting lectures.
Quite simply: on the one hand solid training, but also highly proven expertise arising from numerous national and international projects makes Dr Annett Kaeding-Koppers a sought-after speaker today. Her knowledge as manager for sustainability, head of marketing and packaging development, change and innovation management and her production and technology know-how are pretty unique in this all-round combination. She knows what extrusion coating is, and the challenges posed by film and packaging analysis during quality control. At the same time she is very familiar with customer needs, if these are brandowners, retailers or other supply chain participants.
Use this renowned expertise for your presentation. Delight your listeners. Let yourself be swept along when the specialist presents solutions that are perhaps astoundingly simple, and dare to look into both the immediate future and beyond. It doesn’t matter whether the subject is food, cosmetics, detergents or animal feed: The demands and goals are largely the same.